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Sori Choi

최소리 프로필.jpeg

South Korea

All objects and energies in this world have their own sounds.
I want to be a messenger to send such sounds to all of you.
I am crushed on such sounds.


World-class solo percussionist making waves and awakening souls
world-renowned solo percussionist!

Choisori, he is one of the greatest solo percussionists in Korea.

He has released  10 solo albums during his career over 30 years.

He has played his performances in over 200 cities around the world,

and then he acquired a reputation

as a world renowned solo percussionist, Choisori.

He would like to share ‘his sound’ as well as ‘our sound’

continuously through his performances titled “Visible Sound”.


"All objects and energies in this world have their own sounds.
I want to be a messenger to send such sounds to all of you.

As a child growing up in the countryside, I had no hobbies in my studies. One day, a traveling circus came to town and I was mesmerized by the first drumming and music I saw. When I got home, I ran into the kitchen, put all the bowls down, and started banging. It was a young age, but it was enough to determine my future.

After that, I played in the school band. I moved to Seoul and became the drummer for Baekdusan, one of the top rock groups of the time.

However, I decided to pursue a career as a percussion soloist in order to find my own sound outside of standardized music styles, During his 30-year journey as a percussion soloist, he has released 10 solo albums and performed in more than 200 domestic and international cities.

With the theme of 'Seeing the Sound', I will continue to share with you the sound of 'me', 'we', and 'my'. I would like to share the sound of 'me' and the sound of 'us' with you."


World Taekwondo Competition Opening Ceremony

2010 - 2015

Director of the World Tour TAL Supported by the Ministry of Culture,

Sports and Tourism in over 50 countries 

2012 - Present

Ambassador of the Korean Federation of Arts and Culture Associations

2011 - Present

Jeju Seven World Natural Scenery Promotional Ambassador

- Jeju Island Honorary Citizen -


Guangzhou Asian Games Closing Ceremony


Vancouver Winter Olympics Forum

2009, 2010

World Taekwondo Culture Expo


Qatar Asian Games


Korea World Cup Match


The 3rd Global Proud Global Target for Korean

- Arts Development Contribution Category -

2012, 2013

National Brand Cultural Category Grand Prize

호암 아트홀 단독공연, 워커힐 호텔 단독공연, 최소리와 자유인 콘서트, 국립극장 해오름 극장 ASIAN 최소리 ‘소리를 본다’ 단독공연 외 국내외 도시 투어. 2006 FIFA WORLD CUP, 2010 광저우 아시안게임, G20 재무차관회의, 한중 음악회 (중국, 북경), APEC 경주 문화 공연, ‘세계 IOC 위원 만찬 (중국, 장춘), 한국 CIS 수교 20주년 기념 공연, WCC 세계 자연 보전 총회 주최국 문화 행사, 제11차 ICAO 아태지역 국제 회의, 유니버시아드 대회 공연, 부산국제영화제 초청 공연, 부산 시립국악관현악단 협연, KBS 국악관현악단 협연, 한/몽골 수교 10주년 기념 초청공연, 한.아랍 소사이어티 창립 국제회의 공연 외 다수.

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